Section: New Results

FocusLab Platform

New Graphical Charter and New Functionalities

Participants : Xavier Augros, Florian Bonacina, Brigitte Trousse.

This year we implemented a new version of the Focuslab platform (v1.3) (http://focuslab.inria.fr ) with a new graphical charter, the addition of the documentation part (books, articles, thesis, reports, etc.) and new functionalities such as cross references between the hardware/software parts with the documentation part, the opportunity of reserving hardware, hardware+software or documentation and a new administration interface. This new version has been tested internally in the team at the end of the year.

FocusLab Generic Web Service: MNDCluster_Sequence

Participants : Xavier Augros, Yves Lechevallier, Brigitte Trousse.

This year for Elliot purposes, we built a new FocusLab generic Web Service called MNDCluster-Sequence. This web service uses the new release of MND clustering method [80] (cf. Section  6.2.5 ) which computes the best partition based on all data for each (user, timestamp). Then it builds for each user the sequence of 5 clusters taking into account the five user time stamp in our case. The resulting sequences are then added for each user as new qualified data in the dataset of Green Services.

This web service is added to those already integrated in FocusLab (See for more details our 2012 activity report http://raweb.inria.fr/rapportsactivite/RA2012/axis/uid116.html )